Very commonly we heard about Tu Kah Chor in hokkien. But does any one think about K Tui Chor instead? Went we start subsitute the non halal ingredient with halal, then alot more people out there can enjoy the
chinese dishes. I sure you will agreed with me. Anyway here is the ingredients you need to prepare this dish.
12nos Chicken Drumstick
375ml Black Vinegar (1 small bottle)
500ml Water
150gm Brown Sugar
250gm Old Ginger wash clean with skin on and smashed
2 tbsp Light Soya Sauce
1. Fried old ginger with 2 tbsp sesame oil till fragrant and golden brown in colour
2. Add in black vinegar and let it simmer for 10 minutes
3. Add in brown sugar and water. Bring it to boil
4. Add in chicken, simmer till is is soft and tender in low fire.
5. It is best serve when over night.