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Sunday, January 30, 2011

What I did today

This is the first time I did my morning shopping at Giant. Normally I would go to Carrefour which is only 5 minutes drive away from my house. I reach there around 9.00am and to my surprise I'm not the early birds.  Thanks to Carrefour and now Giant for opening their door at 8.00 am on Saturday and Sunday.  It made shopping easy and convenience for people like me, who do not like to rub shoulder with other customers or waited at the long ques to pay for the groceries.  I completed my shopping around 10.30 am.  On the way home I stop over the wet market near Alam Damai thinking that there will be lots of parking space but I was wrong, The market is still pack with people doing their Chinese New Year shopping.  In the end I park illegally at the roadside near the market.  If not for fresh eggs to bake cakes and settle the news paper payment, I would not visit the market.

By the time I reach home and unpack the purchases, it's almost lunch time.  Oops, I totally forgotten to "tapau" lunch for my two hungry kids and bibik.  At last bibik Fried Seafood Taufoo, Fish Crackers and Prawn Fitters.  You know lah kids will always be kids.  They need proper meal.  So I suggested to Fried Wet Yellow Noodle for them.  Together with my son, we went over to Bandar Tun Hussein Onn to get the ingredient to cook the noodle.  But we end-up buying pack food from a Nasi Lemak Seller.  He normally sell his nasi lemak in the morning and finishes around 10.30 am. He even sell lunch menu in the afternoon. I bought four dishes from him. (Pucuk Paku masak lemak, Ikan Keli sambal, Daging masak asam pedas and Ayam masak kunyit)

I'll share the recipe in few days. Maybe during Chinese New Year.  Chow, need my rest as tomorrow need to bake cakes

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cures & Enhancers for the year of the Metal Rabbit 2011 by Lillian Too's

Will browsing through Lillian Too's  website, I saw this article and would like to share with all of you.

The Rabbit needs to prepare for a difficult year. The Wu Wang brings misfortune and bad luck. Fortunately, there are many effective cures for this star. Display the 5 Element Pagoda with Tree of Life in the East of your home. Wear the Syllable Tam with Tara Mantra Pendant. Strengthen yourself by displaying the Crystal Globe with Tree of Life in the center of your living room. The God of the Year resides in your sector, so you should carry the Tai Sui Amulet. Display the Samanthabadra Mirror  facing your main entrance to protect against the Natural Disaster Star. Display the 3 Celestial Guardians on a low table in the West to protect against the 3 Killings. Female Rabbits should wear the Dependant Arising Scarf for protection. Male Rabbits should use the Ru Yi Wallet for assistance in work. You may also wear the Green Tara Mantra Watch for help.

The Dragon is going to have a better year, with heaven luck on your side. There are indications of many small but significant events where you will make steady gains in achieving your goals. Do not be overly ambitious as you are indirectly affected by a misfortune star and this means that failure is likely if you do not plan properly. Display the 5 Element Pagoda with Tree of Life in the East. Hang the Heaven Luck Activator on your work bag for divine assistance. Carry the Annual Protection Amulet.  Enhance luck by displaying theCrystal Globe with Tree of Life in the center of your living room. For those running their own business, this is a critical year when you should wear the Wealth & Power Medallion to boost business luck. Display the Double Dragon Water Feature in the Southeast to strengthen your Life Force. Wear the Bam Syllable pendant for protection against bad-hearted people. All Dragons should hang the 6-Rod Dragon Windchime in the SE to activate the yearly Heaven Star.

The Snake can look forward to yet another great year filled with lots of success and heaven luck! You will see many auspicious events materialize. This is a year when goals can be realized. Place the Enhancing Mirror in the SE facing NW to capture the energy of the annual auspicious star. Hang the Heaven Luck Activator on your work bag for divine assistance and also to invoke mentor luck. Further improve your luck by displaying the 4 Dharmakaya Plaque in your living room facing the front door.  Place 8 Colourful Horses or a Horse Carrying a Jewel in the South to pull in the luck of Big Auspicious. Snakes should hang the Victory Banner Windchime in the Southeast to activate the number 6 Heaven Star. Wear the Victory Talisman to ensure victory over all obstacles.

The good luck of the Horse continues with 2 stars of Big Auspicious. Take advantage of this as much as possible. While you could encounter a number of obstacles your luck is such that you are able to overcome them. To ensure health luck remains strong, place the Antahkarana Wu Luo in the South. Invite the Vashudhara Buddha into your home and place him in the living room to protect your wealth. Because you are indirectly in conflict with the God of the Year, carry the Tai Sui Amulet. Place the Enhancing Mirror in the South facing North to capture the energy of auspicious stars. For wealth luck, display a Elephant Carrying a Jewel in the South; this will pull in the luck of Big Auspicious. To jumpstart success luck, hang either the Crane or Qi Lin Plaque in the living room. Display Samantabahdra Sitting on an Elephant to overcome any problems.

Family becomes more important this year with career taking second place. This is due to the Relationship Star as the Earth Seal and Yin House affecting Sheep’s temperament. Strengthen family ties by displaying 6 Crystal Balls in the living room, or by activating the mountain star #8 location with a piece of Natural Crystal. Display a Crystal Pyramid in the SW to strengthen Earth Seal energy. They should display the Earth Chi Enhancing Stones in the Southwest. Place the Samantabadra Mirror in the SW facing NE to capture the energy of Big Auspicious. Carry the Red Dragon Amulet to protect against office politics. Display the Namgyalma Plaque facing your main door. This protects your home from harm. Display a pair of Mandarin Ducks in your bedroom to ensure your marriage stays strong.

The Monkey can look forward to a pleasant year, so long as you do not let your enhanced Peach Blossom luck cause problems. Carry amulets to protect against infidelities. Display a symbol of love in your living room such as a pair of Mandarin Ducks. An image of the Golden Dragon in the SW will improve your luck. You are affected by the Robbery Star, Yin House and the sitting 3 Killings. Display the Kalachakra Mandala Plaque facing your main door to remove negative energy. Display Samantabahdra Sitting on an Elephant to counter office politics. Place the Bejeweled Tree of Life with Birds in the northeast to capture the energy of the Big Auspicious. Display the 3 Celestial Guardians on a low table in the West corner to control the 3 Killings.

2011 brings some challenges and these will open your eyes to the power of your own inner energy. The Rooster afflicted by three unlucky stars which can create chaos if not subdued. Display the Natural Disaster Mirror in the West of your living room to control the Natural Disaster Star. Wear the Om Ah Hum Pendant to suppress the 3 killings. Display the 3 Celestial Guardians in the West. Because your luck is not so positive, ask for the assistance of your secret friend, thus display a figurine of the Dragon in the West of your living room as well as on your work desk. Carry the Tai Sui Amulet as you are in direct confrontation with the God of the Year. Display the Windhorse Plaque or wear the Windhorse as a scarf to protect you. Because the annual star is #9, display the 9 Ring Sword in your home. Older Roosters should wear the 9 Ring Sword with Dragon and Snake.

The Dog encounters good luck, but although your star shines bright, there are conflicting energies. You are affected by the 3 Killings star. Take care of the conflicting energies by displaying the 3 Divine Guardians in the NW. Place 9 Wealth Gods Sitting On A Ship in your living room to protect your luck and also to attract additional good fortune. To enhance the lucky #8 that comes to the northwest, you should display the Heart Sutra Plaque. It is strongly advised that you wear the Triple Gems Pendant to protect as your luck is extremely low. Women should wear the Great Increasing Scarf, while Men should use the Ru Yi Wallet. This practice supports the energy of the year and will bring completion luck. Display the White Dzambhala in the southeast to enhance heaven luck.

Excellent prospects are indicated for the Boar with a number of auspicious stars coming into your chart. While the lucky stars indicate wonderful news, there is also the Yi Duo Star to contend with. This affects success potential, so you may end up seeing opportunities pass you by. This will be a good year to invite Kuan Yin sitting on a Phoenix in your living room and also to display the Kalachakra Mandala Plaque on a low table to protect your luck from disappearing. Place a Crystal Pyramid on your desk to invoke the help of the Earth. Display the Vashudhara Buddha in the NW of your living room. This will activate the auspicious #8 star bringing prosperity luck. Placing the Enhancing Mirror in the SE to capture the energy of the Big Auspicious. Women should also wear the Popularity Scarf, while men should wear the Yellow Dzambhala Watch.

The Rat enjoys plenty of success and career luck, the energy of the year makes you confrontational with a tendency to lose your temper. To overcome, carry the Dragon Carrying Flaming Sword. The Rat is blessed with the General Star and flanked by two stars of Big Auspicious. This means career and leadership luck will be good if you carry the Annual Protection Amulet or Water Crystal Amulet. Success luck could draw the attention of those with bad intentions, so protect yourself with an Evil Eye amulet. Carry the Tai Sui Amulet with you at all times. There is a chance of legal complications; to avoid of this, display the 3 Celestial Protectors with Implements on your desk. To enhance income luck, display a Bowl of Ingots in your living room. For good health, place the Antahkarana Wu Luo in the South.

The Ox has the Star of Golden Deity as well as the Career Star. Surrounded by two stars of Big Auspicious, the Ox can look forward to a good year with gains in finance and excellent improvements in personal happiness. For career luck, introduce water into your home with a Double Dragon Waterfall in the NE and carry the Water Crystal Talisman with you. Protect against people who wish to take advantage of you by placing a Blue Rhino & Elephant Water Globe in the center of your living room. You can also use the Evil Eye Amulet. Because you are visited by the Star of Golden Deity, display the Trinity Deities in your home. For promotion luck, display the Wealth Crane Talisman on your work desk.

The Tiger enjoys victory luck, which is further improved by the Star of Big Auspicious as well as the Star of Heaven. Heaven Luck is strong; you should thus carry the Heaven Luck Activator at all times. You can also use the Crystal Pyramid in your diary or daily journal. It is strongly recommended that you display the Dragon/Snake 9-Ring Sword in your living room multiply prosperity and enhance career luck. Carry the Annual Protection Amulet with you. The Tiger can also call on the help of the Ox in actualizing the Star of Big Auspicious. Do so with figurines of the Ox placed on your desk, or the Crystal globe with Tree of Life. Although your luck is strong, there are periods when your luck is afflicted by the side clash with the 5 Yellow. Place the 5 Element Pagoda with Tree of Life in the East of your home to remedy. Wear the Tree of Life Pendant in gold.

Spicy Fermented Soya Bean with Anchovies

(A) Fried till crispy remove and drain oil
2 pcs Fermented Soya Bean (Tempe) slice thin
100 gm Anchovies

(B)  Blend
50 gm Dried Chili
20 gm Garlic chop
30 gm Shallot

2 nos Tomato slice thin
2 tbsp Cooking Oil
Salt and Sugar to taste

      1. Heat wok with oil
      2. Add items (B) fry until aromatic
      3. Add items (A) stir until all mixed
      4. Add in slice tomato, salt and sugar to state
      5. Dish out and serve with either white bread or rice

Q's Stir Fried Yam with Dried Shrimp

200 gm Yam clean and slice 0.5cm thick
20 gm Garlic chop
30 gm Dried Shrimp (soaked)
1 no Chili removed seed and slice
1 tbsp Preserve Soya Bean Paste (Tauchu)
200 ml Water
2 tbsp Cooking Oil

      1. Heat wok with oil
      2. Add chopped garlic fry until aromatic
      3. Add dried shrimp continued to fry for a minute (You can replace dried shrimp with minced chicken)
      4. Add in preserve soya bean paste
      5. Add in slice yam stir until all mixed
      6. Add in water and cook until yam is soft
      7. Add in slice chilli
      8. Dish out and serve hot

Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year 2011

A year filled with abundance and prosperity

Gong Xi Fatt Chai

Food Tasting Anyone?

Kick start the week with food tasting in Finance Department.
Menu for the day as follows.
Spicy Fermented Soya Bean with Anchovies by Azie
Cream Cracker Cake and Marble Cake by me

Opening ceremony by Emerine.

Kintan cutting the Cream Cracker cake as Shukri waiting to attack.

Sharul and Shukri waiting for the food to be serve.

Cheers for a photo.........

Kintan showing her cake cutting skill.

Spicy Fermented Soya Bean with Anchovies and it taste so nice until now you see it now you don't.

Look at them enjoy the food.  Yummy..........

Hope there is some balance for me.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fun Sunday

I spend the whole Sunday baking with my daughter. She love it.  In the end one of the cake become a Tsunami cake.  Hahaha..  all b'coz don't know why it happen.  Well it will happen to anyone.  So be happy and bake another one.

Cappucino Mixed Fruits

While in the Bakery Shop, I found the Cappucino Paste. So this week, I try out the paste and mixed it with mix fruits. Guest what, you get Cappucino Mixed Fruits Cake.  It taste mild cappucino with the blend of the mixed fruits flavour.  You can give it a try.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Steamboat Nite @ home

Having steamboat at home with family and friend.  Not only Chinese New Year where every chinese family members will gather for steamboat during their reunion dinner.  Now even at normal day anyone from all walk also can enjoy a simple meal of steamboat.  You can have it at home or at the restaurant.

Our steamboat for tonight is Tomyam Seafood.  Look a my son after the meal. Hardly can move.  Well.... another success meal.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wish, Dream & Sigh

Haha.. week end is coming.  Can't wait for it to come.  So tired.  So many thing to complete but so little time.  My wish for this year is to have all the system automated.  Well, I can keep on dreaming but for sure that it will not happen.

I guest I have to live with it. In a stone age world.

This place has taught me a $$$$$$$$$$ lesson.    can't buy everythings. 

How I wish I can turn back the


At least I have something to dream about.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Q's Asam Pedas Ikan Pari (Sting Ray)

600 gm Fish (Stingray, Patin, Squid)
50 gm Shallot blend
20 gm Garlic blend
30 gm Lemon Grass blend
50 gm Chili blend
200 ml Asam Water
100 gm Brinjal small cut half
2 tbsp Cooking Oil
Salt and Sugar to taste

1.      Heat wok with oil
2.      Add blended shallot, garlic, lemon grass& Chili and continue to fry until aromatic.
3.      Add Asam water and bring to a boil.
4.      Add in Fish and Brinjal
5.      Cook until Fish and Brinjal cook
6.      Add seasoning and stir well
7.      Dish out and serve hot

Q's Prawn Sambal

600gm Prawns large size Wash & trim. Shell on
3 tbsp Cooking oil

(A) Ground and combined:
6 shallots
3 garlic
1” pc Turmeric
1 stalk Lemon Grass

(B) Mix into a paste:
3 tbsp chilli paste
1/2 tsp Belacan granules

100 ml Asam water

Seasoning to taste

1.      Heat wok with oil
2.      Add ingredients (a) and (b) and continue to fry until aromatic.
3.      Add prawns and asam water and bring to a boil.
4.      Cook until prawns turn red
5.       Add seasoning and stir well
6.      Dish out and serve hot

Simple Meal #5

Tonight dinner is Simple Dish #5 which is also my late daddy's favour.  He use to say nothing taste better with Asam Pedas.  It has to come together with Stir Fried Bean Sprout and Salted Egg. 

At the end of the meal he will wash it down with a nice Nescafe Tarik.  I'm sure you will enjoy it too.

I'll post the recipe soon.

Simple Meal #4

O................ so busy with year end closing and did not manage to post the Simple Meal #4.

Watch out for the Prawn Sambal recipe. Is due soon.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sarah's Butter Cookies

This time Sarah trying her hand making butter cookies.  Taste good but need more butter.

Well for her age, she did a good job.  Better don't say to much or not no cookies for me.   :o)

Q's Ginger Chicken

500gm or 1/2 chicken cut bite size
50 gm ginger blend
3 nos garlic blend
2 tbsp Cooking Oil (Can replace with Sesame Oil)
200 ml water
Salt and Seasoning to taste

1.      Heat oil in a deep saucepan and fry ginger and garlic till fragrant
2.      Add chicken and fry well
3.      Add water and seasoning. Cook over a gentle heat for 20 minutes or until chicken cook
4.      Dish out and serve hot